Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2018

INGOT Coin and business model!!

INGOT Coin is the first fully integrated blockchain-based Wallet with a Digital Bank, Brokerage, Exchange, Certifier, and Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Accelerator; all rolled into a holistic ecosystem which rewards token holders and cryptocurrency market participants for using it and contributing to it, in addition to granting them the opportunity to invest in a wide- ranging list of cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, stocks, as well as other financial assets and instruments. INGOT coin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which provides benefits and discounts within the ecosystem itself. IC will be based on ERC20 technology.

INGOT`s strategy is based on attracting clients to its Ecosystem by providing a pioneering exclusive service that is unmatched in the market. In the perspective of trading facilities, this Ecosystem is like no other as it offers a highly liquid exchange with highly competitive fees, provides a one stop shop for innovative entrepreneurs and increases knowledge and awareness of the blockchain technology. This will be achieved by global reach campaigns hand in hand with concentrated and tailored marketing.

Total Industry Accounts taken was equal to double the number of Ethereum and Bitcoin wallets. Our conservative measure for our market share of the total industry was equal to 0.1%. Given the past year’s %200 growth rate of the industry the even higher growth expectations, we kept it constant at the same rate. Revenue to the Ecosystem will be flow from the IC Digital Bank, IC Exchange, IC Brokerage, IC ICO Accelerator and IC Crypto Certifier. When creating the financial model, we have considered the industry’s most competitive charges and a constant non-growing market share.

Total Crypto Trading Volumes included in the forecast are the sum of the largest 100 crypto exchanges available. However, the numbers that were inserted in the forecast were kept pessimistic to provide the worst-case scenario as only 0.1% of these transactions are going through the IC Ecosystem.
As for Valuation, we have taken the multiples approach using the Price to Revenue per share method. However, we also tried to be conservative in this method and we halved the average of 5 major global brokerages ratios in order to obtain our multiple.

IC Forecasted Pricing was concluded based on the revenue perspective of the coin, as the coin circulates efficient pricing will prevail. The revenue forecasted will reflect on the price of IC. Brokerage Trading Volume that is provided in the business model and financial projections was taken from INGOT Group as it has extensive knowledge and experience in the brokerage industry through INGOT Brokers Australia.
For more details on ingot you can check the links below :

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